USA: EPA announces new measures to increase the availability of List N disinfectants

May 21, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to increase availability of List N disinfectants that are safe and effective to use against SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The agency announced a new expedited review process for additional products that may qualify to be on EPA’s List N. These additional products include those that are currently registered but require a data review as well as applications for new disinfectants.

To review the submission process for EPA’s expedited reviews, please visit EPA’s Expedited Review of Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA) Submissions for Products Eligible for Inclusion on List N: Submission Information for Registrants. Although this expedited review process is available, the Agency stresses that it does not replace the review process of all other submitted antimicrobial products.

EPA may also consider expedited reviews for new active ingredients or new uses for currently registered active ingredients.

How TSG can help

TSG’s consultants work closely with the EPA, helping companies bring their products to market quickly, thereby increasing the availability of disinfectants. Our specialists can determine if your product is eligible for the new expedited review process as well as pre-existing expedited processes such as emerging viral pathogens.

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