USA: EPA temporarily modifies PRN 98-10 to include food contact surface sanitizers that contain isopropyl alcohol

May 21, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has temporarily modified Pesticide Registration Notice 98-10 to include food-contact surface sanitizer products containing the active ingredient isopropyl alcohol.

The time-limited amendment grants flexibilities to products used in the food manufacture and preparation industries for food-contact surface sanitization. The measure has also added isopropyl alcohol as an active ingredient to the list of commodity chemicals manufacturers may use from an unregistered source.

This amendment will help increase availability of products to use against SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

How TSG can help

Our consultants can assist with reviewing, updating and submitting Confidential Statement of Formula notifications for your commodity ingredient per the temporary guidance. We can also assist with other changes outlined in EPA’s temporary guidance and updates to PR Notice 98-10.

Contact us

Complete the form if you have any questions about food contact sanitizers, and disinfectants.

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