US EPA announces pesticide Registration Review schedule through fiscal year 2025

December 21, 2021

The US EPA released its pesticide Registration Review schedule for the next four years. The Agency’s online tool tracking registration reviews will be updated on a quarterly basis.

EPA updates to Registration Review

EPA announced its Registration Review plans through fiscal year 2025. In addition, the Agency shared it intends to update the schedule on a quarterly basis. You can access the updated schedule here.

EPA expects its review of certain pesticides registered before October 1, 2007 will extend past the 2022 deadline. This delay can be attributed to the impact of COVID-19 on resources, resources needed for increased litigation efforts, and a delay in data from the registrant community.

Also an element of the Registration Review process, the Agency indicated plans to release its first Endangered Species Act (ESA) Pesticides Workplan, identifying steps EPA will take to ensure compliance with the ESA while also remaining fair to industry.

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