US EPA looks to expand Safer Choice and DfE product categories beyond cleaning and disinfection

August 30, 2023

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is looking to expand the Design for the Environment (DfE) and Safer Choice product categories beyond the cleaning and disinfection categories that are currently eligible for this eco-label.

TSG participated in a webinar hosted by the EPA’s Safer Choice team on August 29, 2023 where the EPA announced the proposed expansion and solicited a plea for public comment in the federal register by September 11, 2023.

A few notable highlights from the webinar were:

  • At this time, the EPA does not have any pre-conceived notions for categories that they are looking to expand into
  • In addition to companies and trade associations providing public comments, they also welcome other eco-label certifying bodies to participate in this process
  • The EPA emphasized that they need as much information from the public as possible before making any further decisions

Public comment

When making public comment in the federal register it is important to first answer the questions below.

Addressing these questions in public comment will help the EPA understand holistically how this category would benefit from the logo, or if the sector would meet the current safer choice standards.

  1. What is the potential benefit to human health & environment through compliance with the Safer Choice and DfE standard?
  2. What are the functional uses of chemicals typically used in this sector?
  3. Are some of the chemicals used in this sector included in the Safer Choice Ingredients List (SCIL)?
  4. How are products in this sector disposed of?
  5. Are there other considerations for this sector that make it a good candidate for Safer Choice and/or DfE? Example: A sector with products that have a high potential for direct and frequent exposures, or which frequently contain chemicals of concern (PFAS)

Further big changes are coming to this program as the EPA is looking to update the Safer Choice Standards and will soon be seeking public comment for this too. TSG will update our clients and those interested as and when this happens.

How TSG can help

If you think that your products currently meet the DfE standard and are looking to gain a registration for DfE, please reach out to TSG’s DfE experts Jonathan Walsh and Perri Moeller and they will be happy to support you in DfE product registration strategy.

Alternatively, follow the link to learn more about Design for the Environment (DfE) Certification and how TSG can support your company.

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