
TSG provides clients with regulatory, scientific and compliance assistance on a broad spectrum of chemical-related issues to help companies market and use products in Canada. Through our experience and technical expertise, we assist those who need to make sense of the Canadian regulatory system, and obtain the required approvals to quickly and efficiently market products in Canada.

We offer easy access to the various Canadian regulatory agencies and work closely with all levels of government agencies and regulatory bodies in Canada. This includes the Pesticide Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), Consumer Product Safety Bureau (CPSB) and the Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD). We also provide an accurate interpretation and expert advice for the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA), Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), Food and Drugs Act, and Fertilizer Act so companies may better understand their liabilities. 

Primary business areas in Canada include: 

  • Registration of antimicrobial and biological pesticides including microbial and biochemical pesticides for agricultural, commercial and consumer use;
  • Registration of devices;
  • Registration of disinfectants;
  • New Substance Notification (NSN) under CEPA, including cosmetic notifications; and
  • Development of WHMIS compliant MSDSs.

TSG is one of the most knowledgeable companies on Canadian regulatory and compliance issues. We have developed good working relationships with the Canadian regulatory agency staff within PMRA, CFIA, TPD and Environment Canada.