Are you missing business opportunities because you’re not REACH compliant?

October 18, 2018

EU importers are increasingly placing pressure upon manufacturers and suppliers to prove that their substances, mixtures and articles comply with REACH regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals EC/1907/2006). Take full advantage of business opportunities by ensuring that your business is REACH compliant.

REACH places requirements on manufacturers and importers, which can be a challenge for the manufacturer to manage. Establishing compliance isn’t as simple as obtaining a ‘REACH certification’ – proving compliance means demonstrating to the enforcement authorities that a company has fulfilled all applicable obligations.

Dedicated approach to data management

This requires a dedicated approach to data management and supply chain control to keep track of substances manufactured and imported. Further points to keep in mind are: coverage of imported tonnages by Only Representatives, substance classifications, safety datasheets and registered uses.

You may think about taking on the task of ensuring compliance by yourself but it is important to be aware of the complexity and challenges. For example, if you are manufacturing a product then REACH compliance can only be achieved if its constituents and relevant components are compliant. This can be problematic to track as access to the composition of articles or mixtures is not always readily available or can be proprietary – you may need to go down the supply chain to obtain the necessary evidence and declarations.

Removing the complexity

TSG can remove the complexity and simplify the process for you. Our REACH compliance assessments can help you ensure compliance, both within your own organization as well as your supply chain(s). TSG will review your internal data management and record keeping, determine the REACH readiness of your suppliers, and then consolidate the audit findings into a bespoke report.


Effective implementation of REACH will not only help avoid unnecessary risk to your business; it could also provide opportunities, demonstrating that your business is a reliable partner and manufacturer/supplier of substances, mixtures or articles.

If you’re overwhelmed by all the data required to comply with REACH, please get in touch to discuss how we can support you.