December 08, 2021

Insight 3: How manufacturers of biopesticides for agricultural applications can accelerate time to market by taking a global perspective on regulations

Manufacturers of biopesticides for agricultural applications can accelerate time to market by taking a global perspective on regulations
Concerns about sustainability and the environmental impact of conventional pesticides continue to drive interest in biopesticides around the world. However, manufacturers looking to meet this increased demand must navigate a complex regulatory landscape. In today’s connected world, it’s important to take a global perspective as well as focusing on individual target markets. Regulations evolve over time and can be influenced by wider trends in other parts of the world. With a well-informed regulatory strategy, it’s possible to forge a more streamlined path that reduces time to market.

Our paper – An international perspective on biopesticide regulation – considers the regulatory frameworks which affect biopesticides in the US, Canada, EU and UK, as well as specific data requirements for microbial pesticides. We also share expert insights that can result in a quicker, more cost-effective regulatory journey.

To read the paper, please complete the form below. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s insight!

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