December 07, 2021

Insight 2: Today we highlight the cross-sector, cross-discipline expertise that underpins effective and efficient product innovation

As highlighted in yesterday’s insight, The importance of shaping regulatory strategy at the start of the product development process, drawing on regulatory expertise at an early stage of product development gives companies the maximum flexibility in aligning the product’s technology, marketing claims, and regulatory path. Combining this regulatory expertise with sector-specific market intelligence, an in-depth knowledge of relevant technologies, and practical engineering input truly underpins effective and efficient innovation. And this is what sets TSG Consulting apart. As part of the Science Group, we work both independently and collaboratively with our sister companies – Sagentia Innovation, Leatherhead Food Research and Frontier Smart Technologies – to bring clients’ ingenuity to life in the real world. Our scientists, engineers, and regulatory specialists navigate complex challenges that might otherwise stall progress, as well as help them get ahead of the game.

Check out the resources below to see how we can support you. And if you’d like to arrange an informal chat with our consultants, do get in touch at [email protected]

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s insight!

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