A few tips for managing regulatory roadblocks from our experts

May 02, 2023

The federal and state landscape for chemical regulation in the US is complicated. Regulations are constantly evolving, and regulators have different interpretations of legislation. Having a team of regulatory experts to help navigate the nuances and develop a strategy unique to your company needs is essential to success. We find that many of our clients run into the same frustrations both at the federal and state level. We wanted to highlight a few key issues our clients are currently experiencing, as they may be applicable to your company.

‘I want to develop the right data the first time, but how do you know what’s right?’

Engage with a microbiologist from the beginning. Registration and product review times continue to lengthen at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Ensuring the appropriate efficacy testing is conducted to support your product claims is crucial. Mistakes can double product review time in an already overwhelmed system. Regulatory support in the early stages can streamline product development and prevent delays during EPA’s review.

‘State regulatory requirements are never clear. For example, what’s allowed in Maine might not be in Maryland and it seems regulations are constantly changing.’

You may not be familiar with state specific regulations, but unfortunately that doesn't mean you are excused from compliance. Here at TSG Consulting, we often describe the state regulatory landscape as the wild west. There’s flexibility at the state level that doesn’t exist on the federal level, but with this flexibility comes uncertainty, fines, or possible enforcement. Having a regulatory team by your side to identify and navigate change is welcomed structure in a world of blurred lines.

‘We are looking to acquire another company in the industry to expand our business. We want to make sure acquisition is handled appropriately.'

Consult with a regulatory expert from day one. Whether you’re acquiring another company, purchasing an entire product line or looking to sell a product line, there will always be many regulatory hurdles to jump over. With so many details to keep in mind, data compensation, changing brand names and cancelling product registrations to name a few, the regulatory process can seem overwhelming.

‘Keeping track of the renewals and reporting cycles for my pesticide, fertilizer, feed, and seed products is challenging.’

This is especially true when you’re responsible for hundreds if not thousands of registrations. The time and energy to keep this largely administrative task afloat doesn’t seem cost-effective. Outsourcing this responsibility to a third party like TSG means no delays, late fees, or product cancellations and more time for you and your team to spend on higher-value work.

How can TSG help?

Do any of these challenges sound familiar? Have a regulatory concern you’d like support with? We have an entire team of federal and state experts well versed in the antimicrobial, conventional, biopesticide, fertilizer, feed, and pet food industries. Get in touch with us for a complimentary 30-minute consultation with one of our team members: [email protected]