California DPR proposes new workload assignment

April 03, 2023

The California Department of Pesticide Registration (DPR) is proposing a significant change to their management of incoming applications for new or amended pesticide registrations. At present, DPR assigns a company to one Regulatory Scientist (RS) on staff. If approved, DPR will shift to a team structure that handles incoming applications based on active ingredients (Ais).  

DPR believes that allowing staff to focus on specific AIs will maximize efficiency. RSs will become specialists with their assigned AIs rather than generalists that must be well versed in all aspects of pesticide regulation.  As RSs improve efficiency, the current backlogs can be reduced.

This revised structure should streamline the pesticide registration process in California. Some in the registered community have expressed concern about losing the one-to-one relationship between a company and their assigned RS.

How can TSG help?

Have comments that you’d like to share with DPR? As an active member of HCPA, TSG Consulting will be compiling comments to share with the association no later than Friday, April 14th. Get in touch with us and share your thoughts: [email protected]