PMRA consultation on proposal to update fees for Pest Control Products Annual Charges | Health Canada

February 08, 2024

On January 31, 2024 Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) published a proposal to change the Annual Charge fees for registered Pest Control Products. The proposed changes will increase fees by 50-600% depending on product and business classification.

PMRA has invited the public, stakeholders, and partners to submit written comments on the proposal by March 31, 2024.

Why is PRMA proposing to update the fees for pest control products?

All registrants must pay an annual charge for every active pest control product in their name in order to maintain their right to sell/use the pest control product in Canada.

PMRA has concluded that current fees do not reflect the administrative costs for post-market regulatory activities, resulting in an escalating economic burden on taxpayers. Moreover, the current fees do not align with those charged by other regulatory bodies.

The proposed changes aim to more precisely reflect the costs associated with Health Canada’s regulatory activities on pesticides. Simultaneously, the changes will incorporate effective mitigation measures to minimize the economic impact on small businesses and maintain continued access to certain pesticides.

The consultation does not apply to fees for new applications, amendments, notifications or renewals. A separate consultation for those fees is planned for 2028.

The annual charges are intended to fund re-evaluations and post registration compliance and enforcement.

PMRA Annual Charge Fee current and proposed comparison

The table below details the current and proposed fee structures. Health Canada is proposing to apply a $6,130 CAD annual charge to each pest control product registration. The agency is also proposing three categories of reduced fees under the annual charge structure: for qualifying small businesses, biopesticides and certain niche products. Under the proposal, the lowest annual charge would apply for a registrant that qualifies for multiple types of fee mitigations.

PMRA Annual Charge Fee current and proposed comparison

Small business are defined as: Fewer than 100 employees, and less than $5 million CAD in annual gross revenues globally and from all product lines.

Biopesticides: These include microbials, semiochemicals and non-conventional pest control products. Examples of non-conventional products include but are not limited to food items (vinegar, corn gluten), plant extracts (essential oils, vegetable oils), inert materials (Diatomaceous earth), commodity chemicals (borax, sodium chloride).

Niche products: Pest control products where there is limited economic incentive to maintain registration but have high value uses, specifically:

  • Low-acreage crops
  • Products that support public health programs
  • Products that support environmental protection, for example, to control invasive non-native species and protect species at risk

Key dates and links

Cost benefit analysis questionnaire

Alongside the consultation on the proposed fee changes, the PMRA is also seeking input on a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) questionnaire. The questionnaire aims to assess the potential cost/benefit implications of the proposed changes to Health Canada’s fees for pest control products. The survey requests information on various aspects such as company size, the number of products, potential discontinuation of products if the new fees are implemented, and the impact to end users among other factors. All submitted feedback will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Responses will be aggregated and reported in a manner that safeguards individual contributors’ anonymity, as outlined in the Privacy Statement.

Click here to complete the questionnaire.

How TSG can help

For assistance in estimating your new fees and determining eligibility for reduced fees as a biopesticide, niche product or small business, please reach out to [email protected].

In addition to providing support with Canadian pesticide registration, we also provide clients with regulatory, scientific and compliance assistance on antimicrobial efficacy, disinfectants and sanitizers, fertilizers, chemical substances and cosmetics