Changes to EPA’s pre-application process could lengthen biopesticide products’ time to market

May 17, 2023

A formal process for pre-application requests for biochemical classification determinations could significantly lengthen the regulatory journey for biopesticide products in the United States. One of our Principal Regulatory Consultants, Wendy McCombie, explains what has changed and outlines steps manufacturers can take to minimize any negative impacts on their business.

Applications to register pesticide products in the US are now subject to the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act of 2022 (PRIA 5). New categories, fees, and timeframes became effective on February 27, 2023, 60 days after PRIA 5 was enacted. A change which hasn’t received much publicity is the introduction of a formal procedure for pre-application requests for biochemical classification determinations for biopesticides. These are handled by the Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD) of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


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