Plant Protection Product regulation in a post-Brexit landscape

March 08, 2019

TSG Consulting and UK HSE’s Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) recently held a joint workshop at the CRD offices in York, enabling Industry to hear the latest direction of thinking on Plant Protection Product (PPP) regulation in a post-Brexit landscape.

As we write this article, the UK’s exit from the EU is anticipated for 29 March 2019. Under any exit scenario, Brexit will modify PPP regulation over both the EU and the UK.
Brexit means that companies will need to develop new knowledge in order to continue to secure and maintain their PPP authorisations in the UK, and the EU will no longer benefit from either UK resource or permit the UK to lead in any EU PPP related evaluations. As long as the negotiations between the EU and the UK continue, the specifics of how the UK system will operate, and the UK participation in the ongoing EU system, may change.

Joint TSG-CRD Industry workshop

With this in mind, TSG Consulting and UK HSE’s Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) held a joint Industry workshop at the CRD offices in York on 12 February 2019. Attended by interested companies, the event provided a platform to hear the latest direction of thinking from the CRD on the options in a post-Brexit landscape. The meeting was addressed by Dave Bench who, for six years led CRD in its role as the UK regulatory authority for pesticides, detergents, biocides and other industrial chemicals. Of particular relevance to meeting and discussions, Dave currently leads HSE’s work to ensure that the UK’s chemical regulation framework remains operable and effective after the UK’s EU exit.
With Brexit now imminent, CRD provided greater detail on the likely outcomes, plus the opportunity for invitees to pose questions and discuss any concerns on the implications of exit on their existing UK authorisations or ongoing evaluations. The presentation and discussions covered both ‘no deal’ and ‘implementation period’ scenarios, fleshing out how the UK approval process would function under either scenario.

Strategic planning

In addition to co-hosting this workshop, TSG Consulting has been actively assessing the proposed changes to the Brexit-driven regulatory landscape. As well as advising companies on general strategic planning relative to Brexit, TSG can also support clients on the specifics of how to continue their activities in the UK in any scenario arising from the UK exit from the EU, particularly if the UK switches suddenly and establishes its own legislative regime.

Your next steps

Complete and submit the form opposite if you’re interested in a more detailed report of discussions at the joint TSG-CRD workshop, or would like to discuss your company’s needs with one of our regulatory advisors.

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