Abigail Wacek promoted to Head of TSG’s Federal Affairs Team

We are excited to share the news that Abigail Wacek will now head TSG Federal Affairs. Abigail joined TSG Consulting over 10 years ago and quickly became an integral part of the team. As industry and government regulations have evolved, so too has her role at TSG.

Having previously worked for EPA’s Antimicrobials Division, Abigail began her career at TSG in a familiar space as a Regulatory Consultant specializing in antimicrobial product registrations. Throughout her time at TSG, she has worked through an organization restructure, an acquisition by Science Group, and a variety of roles that have led her to where she is today.

Her vision for the future of TSG’s Federal Affairs team is one of continued growth. “I see our team expanding, bringing more regulatory and scientific expertise on board, especially in the biopesticide and novel antimicrobial technology spaces,” says Abigail.

Ryan Gaunt, General Manager for TSG Consulting North America shares, “Abigail’s agency, consulting, and operational experience is invaluable to our team and clients alike. She is perfectly placed to lead our Federal Affairs team and ensure our federal consultants continue to provide excellent results to our clients.”

How can TSG’s Federal Affairs team help you?

Are you looking for regulatory support for your pesticide products? Have compliance questions or need help developing a strategic plan for bringing your product to market? Abigail and her team are happy to schedule a time to chat and discuss your regulatory needs. Get in touch with us: [email protected]