1 January 2021 compliance date for poison centre notifications for new mixtures for consumer use

December 18, 2020

From 1 January 2021, companies placing new hazardous mixtures for consumer and professional use on the EU market must submit a ‘poison centre notification’ (PCN). The obligations apply to all importers and downstream users under Annex VIII of CLP regulation (EC) 1272/2008. Further deadlines for the notification of mixtures for industrial use, as well as existing products, will also apply over the coming four years.

Adopted with Regulation (EU) 2017/542 in 2017, Annex VIII harmonised the requirements for PCNs for EU member states and EEA countries Iceland and Norway, amending CLP regulation (EC) 1272/2008. A second amendment to Annex VIII entered into force on 14 November 2020.

Under Article 45 (1) of the CLP regulation, submitters must provide information relating to mixtures classified as hazardous (on the basis of their health and physical effects) to the appointed bodies in the Member state(s) where the mixture is placed on the market.

Also applying to distributors who modify the label or packaging for hazardous mixtures, the deadlines depend on the mixture use.

Timeline for industry to make notifications

  • 01.01.2021 – Notification of mixtures for consumer and professional use
  • 01.01.2024 – Notification of mixtures for industrial use only
  • 01.01.2025 – End of transitional period

How TSG can help

TSG Consulting has extensive experience in submitting poison centre notifications, as well as extensive experience with IUCLID, the data submission tool being used for PCNs. TSG formed part of the first group using the beta version of IUCLID for PCN dossier submissions.
A new system is not always smooth and straightforward, especially for smaller entities who may suddenly find themselves with these new requirements.

TSG is on hand to support companies, large and small, with the following: 

  • Preparation of IUCLID PCN Dossier
  • Assistance with the submission of the PCN IUDLID Dossier to the ECHA portal
  • Provision of EU representative services for non-EU companies
  • UFI (Unique Formula Identifier) code generation

Get in touch

Contact us at [email protected] to speak with a specialist.