Top 3 tips for state renewals

March 12, 2021

December has passed but mid-year renewals are just around the corner. Use these three tips to ensure a smooth process:

  1. Do I have the right forms?  States sometimes miss sending out renewal forms. Know your products and where they are registered so you can proactively reach out to obtain forms as needed.
  2. Are my records up to date?  Check all your records prior to due dates to ensure that all online credentials are updated and actively working. No one wants to find out that they don't have them or that they don't work during crunch times.
  3. Do I need to flag upcoming reduced capacity internally?  Now is the time to warn your business partners that there may be reduced capacity within your regulatory team in May and June. This could delay the timelines for new product launches or at-shelf brand refreshes.

How TSG can help

If you’d like your key staff to spend more time on business-critical activities and less time requesting checks and filling out forms, TSG can help. Our full service regulatory and scientific teams can assist you with your pesticide, fertilizer, animal feed and pet food renewals, at a cost often less than processing in house.

Any questions? Contact us at [email protected]